Amazema Interiors

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Top 5 Crystals to have in your home

Crystals are stunningly beautiful natural objects in their own right and have become a popular home decor element in the last few years for this reason.

But there is oh so much more to them!

Their energy is powerful and can make a huge difference to how you feel in your home, but how do you know what they all do? And which ones are the best ones to use? And how do you use them?

There are so many beautiful options with amazing properties but these are our go to top 5 that we believe every home should have:

1. Clear Quartz:

This is the king of crystals as far as we are concerned! It can be used to clear and cleanse your space

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2. Black Tourmaline:

To Ground and Protect

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3. Amethyst

Clear vision, Intuition and connection

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4. Rose Quartz

Love and peaceful communication

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5. Citrine

Abundance, joy and confidence

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If you would like to know more about crystals or purchase some for your home, check out our online store or drop in to our showroom and see which ones call to you to take them home with you.

Lots of Love,

Amy xx